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Marathon Schools - click for home 
Marathon Schools - click for home

Teaching and Learning

  • This document plans for four stages - fully remote, hybrid, in-person with restrictions and in-person with no restrictions.
  • Teachers will use their normal planbook system and access to Google Classroom will be given to administrators.
  • Students will be required to meet at their designated class times via Zoom.  Those that cannot meet with teachers will be required to make alternate arrangements for teacher/student contact.
  • Lessons will be created and designed to create clear opportunities for instruction that will be accessible for all students, regardless of the method of delivery. All learning will be aligned with NY State standards.
  • The district will provide all students and families with a contact directory for assistance with the following: technology, food delivery, instruction/ homework help, attendance, social emotional health, medical health, etc. This will be widely disseminated through the district website, mailed home, social media, Torchlight, and email.
  • The district does not contract with any Community Based Organizations.
  • Instruction provided remotely through Google Suite and Zoom.  Instruction deployed through Google Classroom. 
  • Teachers will identify essential standards to be taught per grade level and subject.
  • Assessments will be planned, designed and administered to gain an understanding about student progress.  January 2021 regents exams have been canceled.  It is expected that June 2021 regents will continue, regardless of how much time is spent in remote learning.
  • Late work will be taken up to 2 weeks after assignments are given.
  • Staff will communicate with parents through: email, phone call, Google Classroom updates and the Remind app.
  • Google classrooms will be established at the beginning of the year.  Classes will be grouped in a single Google classroom when appropriate (usually the younger grade levels).
  • AIS will be provided for eligible students in grades K-12.  As the New York State Assessments in grades 3-8 and regents were not administered in the 2019-20 school year, the district will use locally developed procedures to determine eligible students for AIS.  Students’ scores on multiple measures will be a determining factor in deciding eligibility.  
  • AIS will be provided by the Tier 3 provider, classroom teacher, or grade level/department teacher.
  • Paper that goes between home and school needs to be quarantined for 24 hours before it can be processed. 

Remote Leaning


  • Common planning time by grade level/department will be scheduled for curriculum planning during remote instruction. 
  • Instructional expectations such as video length, due dates/time, communication of assignments, and grading policy are still being developed.
  • A structured student routine at home for academics will be encouraged through scheduling and virtual in-person lessons.
  • In grades 6-12, students will be required to meet with their teacher and classmates on Zoom, minimally, during their regularly scheduled class time. Those that have connectivity issues can work with their teachers to communicate weekly using an alternate format.

Hybrid Model


  • The district will avoid centers that include multiple students using it at one time, such as water/sand tables, sensory tables, etc.
  • Students will be provided with individual sets of materials to avoid sharing of common items.
  • Items which must be shared (library books, science lab equipment, etc) will be quarantined according to CDC guidelines and properly sanitized before they are reused.
  • Grades UPK-5th will attend Appleby daily. 
  • Starting the week of February 22, 2021, Grade 6 will attend school at Appleby in person on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
  • Starting the week of February 22, 2021, Grade 7 will attend school at the Junior/Senior High School in person on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
  • Starting the week of February 22, 2021, Grade 8 will attend school at the Junior/Senior High School in person on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Starting the week of January 4, 2021, Grades 9-12 will attend school at the Junior/Senior High School in person on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
  • Paper that goes between home and school needs to be quarantined in the classroom for 24 hours before it can be processed. Teachers should designate a quarantine box for this purpose in their classroom if they will be passing papers between home and school.  All papers, even those given within the same class period will have to be quarantined in a box in the classroom for 24 hours.

Full In-Person with Heightened Health and Safety Protocols


  • Center-based and small group learning is a critical component of an instructional program.This will be allowed with use of face coverings and social distancing..
  • Music and PE will be allowed to reduce social distancing from 12 feet to 6 feet.
Developed by CNYRIC