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Marathon CSD Career Center

The Marathon Central School District Career Center held its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Thursday, January 18, 2024. The ceremony was attended by local agency representatives, students, Board of Education members, school personnel, and invited guests. The mission of the Career Center is to support students with educational and career exploration as they prepare to be successful both locally and globally.   Our goal is to continue to grow our district as a forward thinking and future ready institution, working to ensure that all students have opportunities while here in Marathon to pursue whatever career or college pathway that interests them.

On January 19, 2024, the Career Center hosted its first guest speaker.  Rob Didio from Suit-Kote met with high school students and discussed the many opportunities they have available, as well as the essential skills and training that they and other similar employers are looking for.  We will host an ongoing speaker series throughout the school year including businesses, workforce development opportunities, institutions of higher learning, and more.

The district is currently working on a page on our website that will house all of the Career Center information; as well as highlight speakers, program opportunities, and student internships that are available.  This page will be shared as soon as it is complete.

Here are some photos from the grand opening and our first gust speaker:
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