Appleby Elementary

Principal: Jonathan Hillis |
Phone: (607) 849-3281 |
Fax: (607) 849-4702 |
Address: 24 Albro Rd. Marathon, NY 13803 |
"Home of the Future Olympians!"
Message from the Principal
Greetings! As I enter my 13th year here at Appleby, I am reminded daily of how fortunate I am to serve the students and families of Marathon, but also reflect on my past experiences and the direction of our future.
I grew up in Morris, NY, just outside of the Oneonta/Cooperstown area. Morris is a rural community, a District with one building, K-12. After graduating with my 17 other classmates, I spent the next 4 years at St. John Fisher University in Rochester. Upon graduation, I accepted a job at Franklin Central School as an elementary teacher, teaching 5th and 2nd grade, coaching varsity boys’ basketball and golf. I spent two years in the South, but returned to central NY to take a second grade teaching job at Jefferson CSD. After three years of teaching, I worked on my administrative degree and was afforded the opportunity to have a year-long, full-time internship. The following
year, I accepted the position of K-12 principal at Jefferson and gained a tremendous foundation in what the principalship is about.
In 2012, I interviewed and was hired at Marathon to become the next principal at Appleby. During my tenure here, I have made it my mission to promote and maintain a safe, respectful, positive and effective learning environment while encouraging teamwork and collaboration among faculty and staff. I also continue to work on building strong collaborative relationships with all members of the local and school community.
Two summers ago, a group of teachers at Appleby created building-wide behavior expectations for all students. These expectations that we created are posted in every room, said on the announcements every morning and are the expectations of every student in our building.
As an Appleby student…
I will be kind.
I will be respectful.
I will be responsible.
I will try my best.
As I continue my service to the district, we will continue to build upon student successes by monitoring data and looking at next steps and supporting student’s individual needs and goals. Our staff's dedication to our students and the efforts they have made to improve our pedagogy has put us on a path for sustained improvement of best practices and tremendous student achievement.