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Communication and Engagement Plan

  • Stakeholders involved in the development of the Marathon Reopening Plan: Administration, Faculty, Staff, Parents/Guardians, Community Members, BOE members, Cortland County Health Department, Family Health Network and district unions (MAA, MTA, MESA). 

Involvement of stakeholders:

  • Initial re-entry committee meeting open to all faculty and staff - June 15th
  • Plan drafted by administration and shared with re-renty committee members (teachers, staff, parents) on July 9th
  • Draft plan reviewed with Marathon Board of Education - July 21st
  • Draft of plan overview sent to teachers, staff and community members along with an invitation to participate in an open forum - July 22nd
  • Draft plan reviewed with re-entry committee and revised - July 23rd
  • Draft plan reviewed with Marathon teachers and staff and revised - July 23rd and July 24th
  • Draft plan reviewed with students, parents and community members and revised - July 27th
  • Draft plan reviewed with outside agencies and unions and revised - July 23rd-July 27th
  • Final reopening plans will be posted on the  website ( - July  30th
  • Reopening Parent meetings on August 13th, 14th, and 17th.
  • Reopening Staff meetings on August 13th, and 20th.
  • Letters will be sent to staff and students outlining the beginning of school during the week of August 24th.
  • September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, students will receive additional reopening information including: class schedules, teacher assignments, bus information, updates to the student handbook, video link assignments for hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, use of masks, and social distancing.
  • Reopening plan reviewed with MTA representatives and district administration - September 2nd.
  • Each time a positive COVID case occurs in a specific building, parents are alerted by phone and a letter posted to our website and through social media.  Beginning January, only parents of students impacted were phoned.  All other parents were notified through the website and social media.
  • Staff were updated and feedback gained on October 26th.
  • The Board was updated in public session on November 4th.  
  • December 11th, parents were mailed a letter describing the changes for 9-12 to move to 3 days of in-person learning.  This information was posted on the website and on social media.
  • A parent Q and A and feedback session was conducted on December 17th.
  • The addition of high-risks sports and the policy proposal was discussed in public session at the December 17th board meeting.
  • February 10th, parents were mailed a letter describing the changes for 6-8 to move to 3 days of in-person learning.  This information was posted on the website and on social media.
  • February 12th, parents were mailed a letter describing student travel guidance per NYSED prior to February break.  This information was posted on the website and on social media.
  • Staff reviewed the current progress of the district reopening plan on February 22nd.
  • March 16th, parents were mailed a letter describing the changes for 6-12 to move to 5 days of in-person learning.  This information was posted on the website and on social media.
  • The board was updated on the moving to 5 days of in person learning and challenges thus far on April 7th.
  • All parent/guardian letters can be found on our district website (
  • The reopening plan was reviewed at a public meeting through Zoom on April 28th.  A separate zoom was held for Appleby Elementary (6 PM) and the Junior/Senior High School (7PM).
  • On June 7, 2021, NYS Department of Health issued new mask regulations. Masks no longer need to be worn outside by students, staff or visitors on school grounds.  Students, staff and visitors can wear masks if desired.  Masks must still be worn on school buses and in school facilities. Link to updated guidance. Letters explaining the new guidance were sent home to all parents in paper form, emailed to parents and posted on social media on June 8th.



  • The district will share information including instructions on protocols necessary for in-person learning and bus ridership during COVID-19 through multiple mediums: mail, K-12 alerts, email, social media, Remind App, and district website prior to the beginning of school.  Messaging about proper COVID-19 protocols will continue throughout the year until it is no longer deemed necessary by the Department of Health.
  • Schools will display clear signage indicating protocols, safety measures, and appropriate movements throughout spaces to ensure social distancing.
  • Students and staff will be trained in new COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly, including but not limited to hand hygiene, proper face covering wearing, social distancing and respiratory hygiene. Staff will receive training prior to the beginning of school through written communication and again prior to students beginning in-person instruction. Students will receive training prior to coming to school through training videos and with written instructions.  Students will then be trained by a teacher or staff member during the first few days of school.
  • Weekly reminders to staff, parents/guardians about completing daily temperature checks and health screenings will be done.
  • Communications will outline CDC and DOH recommendations for the use of PPE (specifically face coverings) and their use when social distancing can not be maintained.
  • Reopening plans will be provided in the dominant languages spoken by the school community (English) and will be translated for other languages when needed.
  • Reopening plans will be accessible to those with visual and/hearing impairments.
  • The district surveyed parents for in-person learning vs remote learning as well as bus transportation.  Parents were notified of student schedules and bus pick up time changes.
  • School lunch information will be communicated to parents, regardless of if the district is using remote, hybrid, or in-person learning.
  • The district has created “how to” videos for parents to help them better understand how to use SchoolTool, Google Classroom, and Zoom.
  • All students will be expected to check their Google Classroom daily.  Junior/Senior High School students will also be expected to check their email daily.


  • To support families’ involvement in their students’ remote learning, student log-in information will be given as follows:


  • UPK - Grade 7:  All log-in information was provided to parents in welcome packets picked up at the HS from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM on  September 1st.  Those who did not pick up welcome packets had them delivered on September 2nd and 3rd.
  • Grade 8:  Log-in information is provided to the student's parents if the student does not show adequate academic or behavioral progress.
  • Grade 9-12:  Teachers emailing students will be the primary method of communication.  Parents can request student log in information from the main office. 


  • It will be important that parents check in with students regularly.
  • contact directory of “where to go with questions” per topic--tech help, emotional support, SPED questions, etc. will be disseminated in welcome packets and will be provided on the district website.
  • At the Junior/Senior High School, consistent rituals for students in classrooms and in the building overall will continue--daily announcements, weekly update videos, etc.
  • Concerns regarding COVID-19 should be addressed to the building principal or the COVID-19 Coordinator, Ms. Hoyt (607-849-1228)
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