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Marathon Schools - click for home

Full Remote Learning Plan

If the district is fully remote due to staffing issues or the spread of COVID in one particular building:


  • Remote learning Monday-Friday.
  • Student attendance will be taken daily. Once a day for UPK-6th and every period for grades 7-12.
  • Learning platforms used district wide will be Google Classroom and Zoom.
  • All students will be expected to check their Google Classroom daily.  Junior/Senior High School students will also be expected to check their email daily.
  • Teachers will use synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded) methods, depending on the internet abilities in the child's home.
  • Work delivery only for students without internet access and/or recommended by a special education teacher or building principal.
  • No 10th period at the Junior/Senior High School.
  • If the school district is in session remotely, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of the district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education even when/if the district is not.

Food and Child Care:

  • Meals available by pick up.


  • No on-site child care will be available.


  • All staff are in daily attendance unless quarantined.
  • Teachers will use their normal planbook system and access to Google Classroom given to administrators.


  • Masks will be worn by teachers, staff, vendors, and contractors when within 6’ of someone else, in hallways, in restrooms, and in congregate areas.  Employees will be provided a face mask should they need one. No congregation for lunch or socialization.

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Extracurricular activities at the Junior/Senior High School may continue contingent on where COVID spread is occurring.  If COVID spread is at Appleby, Junior/Senior High after school activities can continue.
  • If the district is in remote learning due to staffing, extracurricular activities can continue at the Junior/Senior High School. The district will review the participation in extracurriculars on a case by case basis depending on the spread of COVID.
  • Students will not be penalized if they can not attend extracurricular activities during full remote learning due to lack of transportation.
  • Elementary extracurricular activities will be canceled if in full remote learning.

If the district is fully remote due to COVID exposure in both buildings or if deemed necessary by public health:

  • Students will not be allowed in the school building.
  • Buildings and grounds are closed to the community.
  • No school events or volunteers on premises.
  • No extracurriculars or athletics.


  • Remote learning Monday-Friday.
  • Student attendance will be taken daily. Once a day for UPK-6th and every period for grades 7-12.
  • Learning platforms used district wide will be Google Classroom and Zoom.
  • All students will be expected to check their Google Classroom daily.  Junior/Senior High School students will also be expected to check their email daily.
  • Teachers will use synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded) methods, depending on the internet abilities in the child's home.
  • Teachers provide live instruction at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Work delivery only for students without internet access and/or recommended by a special education teacher or building principal.
  • No 10th period at the Junior/Senior High School.
  • If the school district is in session remotely, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of the district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education even when/if the district is not.

Food and Child Care:

  • Meals available by pick up and by delivery if allowed by state officials.
  • No on-site child care will be available.


  • Staff are in daily attendance unless deemed nonessential.
  • Masks will be worn by teachers, staff, vendors, and contractors when within 6’ of someone else, in hallways, in restrooms, and in congregate areas.  Employees will be provided a face mask should they need one.
  • Multiple entrances and exits for staff.
  • No congregation for lunch or socialization.

Social Distancing, Face Coverings and PPE

  • All employees and visitors will be required to maintain 6’ social distancing whenever possible.  When social distancing can not be maintained, face coverings must be worn.  Spaces which do not allow for proper social distancing (i.e. elevators, staff lounges, copy rooms) should have no more than one person in the space at a time.

Safety Drills

  • Full Remote Plan- No drills will occur when students are not present in the building.

Child Nutrition

  • Meals will be delivered to students via bus delivery or parent pick up and will include breakfast and lunch for Monday-Friday.
  • Families will be alerted to meal availability through letters mailed to home, the ParentSquare messaging system, district website, and through social media. Families can opt in or out of food deliveries at any time.  Families will need to contact the HS office to be added to the meal delivery list.
  • Communication will occur in the languages spoken by the family.
  • Movement within the cafeterias - non-cafeteria staff excluded from certain areas, including the kitchen/food prep area
  • Cleaning procedures- Food service staff will be responsible for daily kitchen/prep area
  • The school nurse will distribute an allergy list to the cafeteria staff at the beginning of the year. Students with food allergies will have special accommodations to avoid food contamination.


  • During remote instruction students will not be transported to or from school.
  • Bus routes will be utilized M/W/F for meal and work delivery services.
  • If the school district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of the district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education even when/if the district is not.

Social Emotional Well-Being

  • SEL Check ins - Connect a family or student with one individual - staff member student/family can reach out to.
  • No extracurricular or athletic events unless done remotely and pre-approved by the district.

Attendance & Chronic Absenteeism


Student attendance will be taken daily. Full remote attendance expectations (daily record is state requirement):

  • UPK -Grade 6:
  1. UPK-Grade 6 homeroom teachers will be responsible for taking class attendance through Google Classroom.  Attendance checks must be posted in Google Classroom by 8:00 am on school days.
  2. Students must respond to the attendance check by 3:00pm every school day or they will be considered absent from school.
  3. On days with Zoom class meetings, attendance will be taken at the meeting and serve as the record for the class that day.
  4. Teachers will call students who do not have access to Google Classroom to record daily attendance.
  5. Daily attendance from Google Classroom, Zoom classroom meetings, and/or phone calls will then be recorded in Schooltools.
Junior/Senior High School

Full remote attendance expectations (daily record is state requirement):

  • Teachers post a question in each class period’s Google Classroom for each day.  The record of responding to these questions will serve as student attendance. This question can be content related.
  • When learning from home, every student must log into all of their course’s Google Classrooms and answer the posed daily question to serve as their attendance record.
  • The day the attendance check is posted is the day it counts for attendance.  Attendance must be conducted daily.
  • Students must respond to those remote attendance check in questions by 3:00pm every school day or they will be considered absent from school.
  • On days with Zoom class meetings, attendance will be taken at the meeting and serve as the record for the class that day.
  • Teachers will call students who do not have access to Google Classroom to record daily attendance.  Daily attendance from Google Classroom check in question, Zoom classroom meeting, and/or any phone calls will  be recorded in Schooltools.
  • For grades 7-12, attendance will be taken every period.
  • For students who do not meet attendance thresholds, letters will be mailed home and families will be contacted regarding chronic absenteeism.

Technology and Connectivity

  • Computers will be sent home with all students. Parents who wish to use home computers in place of school computers will be accommodated.
  • Mobile hotspots will be provided to families that have no internet services.
  • Technology support will be available by phone and in person at the high school when needed.

Teaching and Learning


  • Students will be required to meet at their designated class times via Zoom.  Those that cannot meet with teachers will be required to make alternate arrangements for teacher/student contact.
  • Lessons will be created and designed to create clear opportunities for instruction that will be accessible for all students, regardless of the method of delivery. All learning will be aligned with NY State standards.
  • The district will provide all students and families with a contact directory for assistance with the following: technology, food delivery,instruction/ homework help, attendance, social emotional health, medical health, etc. This will be widely disseminated through the district website, mailed home, social media, Torchlight, and email.
  • Teachers will identify essential standards to be taught per grade level and subject.
  • Assessments will be planned, designed and administered to gain an understanding about student progress.
  • Staff will communicate with parents through: email, phone call, Google Classroom updates, the Remind app and ParentSquare.
  • AIS will be provided by the Tier 3 provider, classroom teacher, or grade level/department teacher.
  • A structured student routine at home for academics will be encouraged through scheduling and virtual in-person lessons.

Special Education


  • During periods of time when school is closed, students with disabilities will participate in virtual instruction (Google Classroom) with their grade level peers to the maximum extent possible.  Examples of this include Co-taught sections of a particular subject area.
  • During periods of time when school is closed, program reviews and annual reviews will be conducted virtually by phone conference or Zoom meetings.
  • During the 2021-2022 school year, if it becomes necessary to close school buildings due to DOH regulations, schools may not be able to provide all services in the same mode and/or manner they are typically provided.
  1. Remote learning mode - The programs and related services listed on a child’s IEP will be delivered virtually, through a combination of real-time video sessions (Zoom), pre-recorded video lessons that may be accessed at a later time during the day, and/or phone calls to work with individual students.
  • Teachers and service providers must continue to collect data, whether in-person or remotely, and use these data to monitor each student’s progress toward the annual goals and to evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s special education services.
  • If the school district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of the district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education even when/if the district is not.

Bilingual Education & World Languages


  • ENL services will be delivered by the ENL teacher and general education teacher.  Services provided via hard copy assignments, through phone calls, and electronically (Google Classroom, email, video, and online conferencing).
  • ELLs in need of internet services will be provided a hotspot.

Teacher & Principal Evaluation System


  • The typical APPR calendar will occur no matter what mode of instruction we are in. Observations and walkthroughs will either occur in person or while a teacher is doing a Zoom lesson.  When the teacher is doing a Zoom lesson, the observer will be in the same room as the teacher, out of view of the students.  The observer will be able to see the lesson the teacher is presenting as well as the students in the Zoom.
  • The current assessments which are connected to the APPR include the STAR assessment and regents assessments.  The MTA and the administration will discuss alternatives to using these assessments if remote learning and/or the cancelation of the regents prevents the assessments to be administered in the method/mode they were intended.
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