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Marathon Schools - click for home 
Marathon Schools - click for home

Teaching & Learning

  • Teachers will use their normal planbook system and access to Google Classroom will be given to administrators.
  • Lessons will be developed and designed to create clear opportunities for instruction that will be accessible for all students. All learning will be aligned with NY State standards.
  • The district will provide all students and families with a contact directory for assistance with the following: technology, food delivery, instruction/ homework help, attendance, social emotional health, medical health, etc. This will be widely disseminated through the district website, mailed home, social media, Torchlight, and email.
  • The district does not contract with any Community Based Organizations.
  • Assessments will be planned, designed and administered to gain an understanding about student progress.
  • Staff will communicate with parents through: email, phone call, Google Classroom updates and designated apps.
  • AIS will be provided for eligible students in grades K-12.  The district will use state assessments and locally developed procedures to determine eligible students for AIS.  Students’ scores on multiple measures will be a determining factor in deciding eligibility.
  • AIS will be provided by the Tier 3 provider, classroom teacher, or grade level/department teacher.
  • Center-based and small group learning is a critical component of an instructional program. This will be allowed with use of face coverings and social distancing.
  • If students are quarantined by a local health department and/or have displayed COVID symptoms and have been excluded from school, they will have access to their class’ instructional content through Google Classroom at the Elementary and Jr-Sr HS level. This will also hold true for students who are awaiting quarantine information from DOH or live in households with a positive case pending principal approval. Teachers should provide Zoom support to quarantined students as feasible.
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